We make your brand remarkable.

From traditional sport event branding to digital brand activation and experience.

exclusive distribution partner

FlexBoard PPS Motion

Set your dasher board in Motion.

Partnered with:

Our products and services

LED-foil for your sport event

Present your media during the intermissions right there where the fans’ eyes are – on the rink!

The fastest-played sports requires the most advanced LED control system, tightly integrated within the ice arena. While entertaining fans with content from commercial partners or “explaining the game” intermissions, partners no longer have to choose a single advertising message!

Efficient use of raw materials in manufacture and use and a long service life and sustainable disposal are also taken into account.

Can be retrofitted for every dasher board or arena
Due to sponsor changes and animations, LED advertising record a longer obeservation period
Quick and easy sponsor or animation change

C&B Consulting

To create more positive aspects to the sport experience

Clubs: Achieve your commercial and sustainability goals! We analyse your club’s positioning and work on a comprehensive set of actions.

Brands: Our tried-and-tested, long-term analytical method explores the effectiveness and efficiency of your engagement.


Rethink Hockey.

At FRONTLEFT, we are committed to support the world of hockey by promoting new ways of seeing the game. We offer a range of services that cater to players, teams, and organizations who are passionate about making a positive impact to the game, ensuring that it remains popular and accessible for future generations.

Join us as we champion a new era for hockey. Together, let's ensure that our favorite sport remains vibrant and enduring for all to enjoy.

Our LED-foil in action

Swiss Life Arena

2x 4100mm @ blue line
ZSC Lions

PostFinance Arena

2x 3800mm @ Radius
SC Bern